
UNION CAD DESIGN S.L.U. is a company born in response to the needs of the die-demand to boost their own structures and increase productivity.

The name comes from the union of experience and youth coupled with the desire to gain the trust and respect of our customers, and for this, we submit to constant updates of our systems work, adapting to the new production techniques thereof and investing both means of production and the constant qualification of our staff. Such personnel derived from companies like Disemat and Esmat who have spent over 20 years working directly for major die-both Spanish and foreign.

Currently we collaborate with an engineering company based in Puebla (Mexico) called Mexican Matricería Engineering since 2007 carries out activities within the scope of the dies.

About us

UNION DESIGN CAD a company born in response to the needs of the die-demand to boost their own structures and increase their productivity.

Contact information

Address: Avenida de la Constitución Nº 5 CP:39600 . Maliaño (Cantabria)
Phone: 615695198
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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